Tuesday 15 March 2016


This is the love story of  two Engineers, Nancy and Chinedu.

How Nancy met Chinedu

       I got a call from an unknown number one beautiful afternoon.  I had just returned from CDS meeting and I was home alone, no light and bored out of my mind. Usually I don't take calls from strange numbers but on this day as fate would have it I just did and on the other side was soft spoken young man and the first question he asked was " are you Nancy Jack" and I Laughed out loud. Something about that question was really funny,  probably because my name is Nancy, Jack is just a weird surname for my name. I asked how he got my number, where did we meet,  said he knew all the contacts on his phone but there was something  about my name he couldn't quite put together and that he couldn't remember how he got my contact (I guess all was format but I didn't know lol) Anyways, I told him my name is Nancy but my surname isn't Jack, so we both decided to try to solve dis puzzle together. 
       However, there was something about how we talked,  the ease in communication and all. Well we couldn't remember anything useful enough to help solve the puzzle but we both agreed to stay friend and start afresh. He called many times after then and we would talk for hours about any and everything, about a month after he called saying he remembered how he got my contact and that he got it from a friend of mine (Jacob) who spoke very highly of me and thought to myself so this guy dint give up  till solved it. One day he made his intentions known and said although he knew I was seeing someone he just couldn't help how he felt but if the guy was stupid enough to let me go,  he will be waiting and he would never let me go. Somehow those words stuck and should I say fortunately enough my then relationship ended and awhile later he got to know I was single again and asked to visit me. By this time I was working in Warri, so he came to Warri to see me, I remember seeing him for the first time and thinking " what a hunk" for he was smartly dressed within shirt starched n neatly tucked in, a dark handsome young man,  with well built biceps and I was smitten. He is the nicest, most attentive guy ever, he made me feel really comfortable and most of all he cares about my career,  being an engineer also he understood my field and encourage me to thrive.

      On the 27th of November,  2015 he asked me to marry him and I said YES.  It's the best feeling ever, I remember going home and starring at my beautiful ring and saying out loud "am actually engaged.  He is my best friend,  my one and only,  he completes me.

Here are the lovely  pictures from Nancy and Chinedu's Pre-wedding shoot, Captured by Diko Photography.

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