Wednesday 17 February 2016

Chidinma And Chidiebere's Love Story

 Chidimma and Chidiebere, a Chemist/Engineer and Physician had a beautiful cathedral wedding in Atlanta last September. They got the whole of Atlanta talking about their wedding.

Their beautiful love story kicked off at the groom's grandmother's funeral during christmas and got heated up with a home made cake.

The excited groom, narrated the love story below:

“At my late grandmother’s funeral in Mbaise Nigeria, my sister, Nneka, was introduced to a man whose attendance I am now convinced was divine providence. From what I gather, the gentleman, Mr. Joseph Eto, had a daughter, Chidimma, who resided in Washington DC. Since Nneka worked and schooled in DC as well, it made sense that they exchange contacts.

Upon her return to DC, Nneka found her on Facebook, and then made it a point that I be introduced to Chidimma. During my visit to the East Coast, on Christmas Day, I contacted her. We exchanged digits, and of course Nneka immediately sought bragging rights. We chatted quite a bit actually. I must say, I felt as though we knew each other already for some time. #Chemistry.

It was a smooth, animated conversation, filled with occasional sarcasm, sincere laughter and interesting commonalities. We agreed to meet that same day, before I left DC for western Massachussetts to visit Prince and Bonita, my two other siblings.

It was a rather cold Christmas night. I drove to Baltimore and met her at Seyi’s place. She greeted me at the door with full Eskimo gear, boots, and a jacket that had me thinking I was not properly dressed for the apartment’s weather. Chidimma led me up to Seyi’s place, where the three of us chatted, watched TV, and then chatted some more. 

She offered me some food that she had made. (Un)fortunately I was stuffed from a previous party, so I took a rain check, but I did have some of her homemade pumpkin dream cake. It was alright… ;). The very next morning, I left DC. Every day since, we’ve spoken at least once a day. Chidimma has captivated me in more ways than I could imagine. Her innate humility, her inner beauty, and her joie-de-vivre lights up my heart and gives me life.

I like to think that Christ graced the birth of our relationship with His birthday. I pray that as long as He lives, His grace will nurture and grow my love for her. Quite frankly I could not make up a better story.”


Their proposal story (as told by Chidinma)
Nearly two months after meeting Chidiebere, he returned to DC to visit me! He and I surprisingly clicked immediately. Every conversation intrigued me, and I wanted only to know more and more about him. Thank God for FaceTime- we eventually used it daily to “see” each other. But there’s nothing like the real thing.

I spent the entire week preparing for his arrival, and when I showed up to the airport (a little late, smh), I couldn’t contain my excitement! I hopped out of the car, and we embraced for the first time. My heart jumped to my throat and skipped several beats, and then we got in the car and headed to my place.

We talked and laughed the entire way home, like two long-lost friends. As we walked to my apartment, he turned to me in the hallway, and asked me to be his girlfriend. Before he could finish his question, I was already saying yes. But in my mind, I was like, “YAASSSS!” The rest of the weekend with this beautiful charismatic soul of a man was amazing, to say the least.





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